Do you manage a team of people?
If so, this FREE course is for you!
Are you responsible for peoples' well-being at work, or the well-being of the whole organization? Are you starting to see the connection between well-being and your bottom line—performance, productivity, and profit? Welcome to Well-Crafted. We got you.
Missed it? Watch our recordings here!
Our course met virtually on September 24, 25, and 26, 2024

Daily Agenda
Tuesday, September 24 (9-10:15am PT)
Intro to The 5 Essentials Framework (centered on Worker Voice & Equity)
Reflect & Learn: Essential #1 of 5, Protection From Harm — What is it and how does it show up in my workplace?
Practice a Skill: Resilient Mindsets for Leaders
Wednesday, September 25 (9-10:15am PT)
Reflect & Learn: Essentials #2 and #3 of 5, Connection & Community and Work-Life Harmony — What are they and how do they show up in my workplace?
Practice a Skill: Communication Style for Leaders
Thursday, September 26 (9-10:15am PT)
Reflect & Learn: Essentials #4 and #5 of 5, Mattering at Work and Opportunity for Growth — What are they and how do they show up in my workplace?
Practice A Skill: Leveraging Strengths for Leaders
Leave with: A beautiful graphic of the “Well-Crafted 5 Essentials Snapshot” assessment for your organization
Special invitation to the Leaders’ Lab, a 6-week in-depth course on workplace well-being for leaders

Personalized Insights and Actionable Strategies
Attendees learned what makes a workplace well. There are 5 elements that were named by the U.S. Surgeon General as essential to growing and sustaining well-being at work. We at Well-Crafted have designed a unique framework that maps each of these 5 Essentials to 3 levels at work (the individual, the team, and the whole organization) with actionable and measurable strategies for increasing well-being at each level.
Participants reflected on where they and their organization shine, and where the greatest opportunities lie, by using Well-Crafted’s one-of-a-kind “5 Essentials Snapshot" assessment. This tool is a visualization of the state of the 5 Essentials in your workplace that you can bring back to other leaders and stakeholders.
We practiced specific well-being strategies that can be used right away to increase our own well-being—at work and also in life! Fun and useful things like spotting use of your own strengths, actively listening to and responding to others’ good news, and fostering a resilient mindset.
We are building a community and a movement of leaders who are growing, sustaining, and empowering workplace well-being. This free mini course was just the beginning!
Attendees received a special invitation to our 6-week “Leaders’ Lab for Workplace Well-Being” course starting in October 2024.

The Well-Crafted Difference
Rigorously grounded in the science of positive psychology and human thriving, our approach is designed to drive measurable, sustainable impact on well-being for organizations and their people.

If you have any other questions, please email Sophia Kokores, Head of Partnerships, at